CTS Service

We manufacture cooling boxes and packing material for storage and transportation of biological specimens and preparations.

CTS-Service specializes in design and manufacture of cooling boxes, packing material and accessories for storage and transportation of biological specimens, medical preparations, diagnostic samples, as well as of goods and products requiring various temperature conditions (such as: +2 – +8 degr. — cold chain).

34 Employee is ready to help you every day
89 Our clients used our services
12 For so many years we have been successfully working in the market

LLC CTS-Service was founded November 1, 2008 and located in Saint Petersburg. The company specializes in design and manufacture of cooling boxes, packing material and accessories for storage and transportation of biological specimens, medical preparations, diagnostic samples, as well as of goods and products requiring various temperature conditions (such as: +2 – +8 degr. — cold chain).

We work all over Russia
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